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Precisely what is Valentine’s Day?

What is Valentine’s?

February 14 is celebrated around the world as a evening when lovers exchange cards, blooms or chocolates. The night out is definitely thought to get its name by St . Valentine, a Christian martyr who lived in the third hundred years.

Different theories had been put forward about the origin of this vacation, but there exists one thing for sure: nobody knows the best way it had become. Historians will be split above regardless of if the holiday features any basis in Roman pagan festivals such as Lupercalia, which was a spring festival and doubled up as just one way of celebrating take pleasure in.

Other folks believe it has more to do with Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Stories, which identify a parliament of hens in mid-February, where birds choose their very own mates. During your time on st. kitts is not a direct hyperlink between this legend plus the current day’s celebration, it is doing lend a few inspiration to the enduring loving traditions of the celebration.

It is also thought that all the holiday initiated as a Christian memorial to two men who were executed on February 16 by Chief Claudius 2 in the third hundred years. These Valentine were Saint Valentine of Ancient rome and Similar Valentine of Terni, both of which were considered to have been martyred for their hope.

Seeing that Chaucer and Shakespeare romanticized the day within their works, this grew in popularity throughout Britain and Europe. It was possibly common practice for friends and fans to exchange little tokens or perhaps notes for this day, every NPR. It wasn’t until the technology of stamping technology that ready-made memory cards started to replace written by hand ones, and by the 19th century that they were widely available and popular just for sending to loved ones.

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Precisely what is Valentine’s Day?
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